1. Carrot is a usually grown on ridge to facilitate good root development. The seeds are dibbled at 1.5 cm depth at a spacing of 30-45 x 8-10 cm. For enhancing germination, the seeds are soaked in water for 12-24 hours before sowing.
2. The seed rate of 5-6 kg/ha is recommended.
3. Varieties –Nantage – This variety is introduced from Europe. Pusa Kesar, and Pusa meghali are recommended.
4. Weed control -For control of weds hand weeding is recommended. No chemical is recommended. Earthing up of roots along with weeding is done to prevent exposure of roots to atmosphere and consequent discoloration.To check the growth of leaves and inhance root development it is recommended to spray 500 ppm Cycocel after 50 days of germination.
5. Fertilizer management –The fertilizer dose depends upon the fertility of soil and amount of organic manure applied to the crop. For a good yield, 25 t/ ha of well-decomposed FYM is incorporated into the soil. Generally, application of 80 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 60 kg K2O is recommended for optimum yield.Out of this half dose of N, and full dose of P and K is given at the time of planting. Remiaing dose of N should be given 20 days after sowing.As the feeder roots are well distributed in 25cm layer therefore, fertilizers should be ploughed to a depth of 25cm, particularly in dry weather, instead of applying them on the soil surface.
6. Irrigation management –Irrigation is given immediately after sowing. The irrigation cycle depends upon season, type of soil and amount of organic matter present in soil. Depending upon the planting season and the available soil moisture, carrots may be irrigated at 10-12 days interval during winter and 5-6 days interval during summer. Irrigation should be discontinued 2-3 weeks before harvesting to increase the sweetness and taste of the carrots.
7. Important pest and Diseases –- Leaf Blight -The disease produce severe blighting on carrot leaves and petioles if wet weather is prolonged during the growing season. Entire leaves and petioles may die on severely infected plants. Disease spreads in humid condition. Control- The use of disease-free seed is strongly recommended because the fungus can survive on or in the seed. Treat the seed with 3 gm of Captan or Thirum.Early applications of Diethane M 45, 25 gm in 10 lit of water starting at the first sign of infection, effectively control leaf blights on carrots. - Powdery Mildew –The symptoms appear as white powdery growth on the leaves and petioles causing the leaves to turn brown and wilt.Control- Dusting of Sulphur powder effectively controls the disease.- Carrot weevil, six spoted hopper and root fly are important pests. For weevil and hoppers spray Malathion 10 ml in 10 lit of water. - Root fly is feeding on roots by boring it. Roots develope with irregular shape and decay. To control this pest spray 33 ml Dimethoate in 10 lit of water
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